
You are the most blessed of all women and blessed is the child you will bear. For as soon as I heard your greeting my own child within me jumped in gladness.” Exclaimed Elizabeth to her cousin Mary.

This term we have been learning about the nativity. When we had enough knowledge about the nativity we started to write a script for 1 of the 12 scenes ( I wrote scene 11). After the we had to audition for the characters we wanted. I got Elizabeth who is Mary’s pregnant cousin she goes to for advice, and a singing angel. We practice in class every 1 or 2 days. After doing a lot of practice we did a dress rehearsal in front of all the other Year 4s. Then on Monday we preformed in front of some of the Nursing Home Residences, which was very exciting. We had to use a microphone because some of the Residents had low hearing. The today ( Tuesday) we preformed in front of our parents and one of the Year 2 classes.

A challenge throughout the process was remembering to get all my props ready before I went on stage. I worked to over come it by always checking I have everything ready, and sometimes when I forget I get little handy reminds form people in my class.

If you were in the nativity what character would you want to be, and why?