Community Service

This term we making blankets as part of our Year 4 Community Service. We’re making the blankets for people who sleep rough, like at the park, on the street e.x.t. We are going to donate them to the Salvation Army then they will give them to the rough sleepers.

We had a visit from a man from the Salvation Army called Peter and he told us about how we would get the money to by the blankets. He also told us about the rough sleeper and how he helped them. Peter was…REALLY interesting! 

How we raised the money was by doing chores around the house for 2 weeks to earn money. I ended up raising $21! ( I’m very proud of my self! ) Some of the chores I did included: wash the dishes, clean ALL the windows, walking the dogs and more.

The squares with red around them we have done, the squares with green around them we are doing the squares with black around them we still need to do.

Have you ever made a blanket, If how was it for/what was it for if haven’t have you ever donated something to homeless people?

2 thoughts on “Community Service

  1. Hi Isla,
    Great post. It was really detailed and it was neat because you used paragraphs. The subtitle also helped me understand your picture. Great job raising that much money. You should be proud. Also I haven’t donated anything yet but I plan on donating some money in the future. I have also never made a blanket.
    See ya, Cooper

  2. Hi Isla,
    I like how you explained what we were doing really clearly. You just beat me by one dollar because I earned $20. I have made a blanket for my cousin and brother. If you could make a blanket for anyone who would you make it for and why?
    From Susie

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